Players can receive Guildship Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in Old Sharlayan (x11.8,y13.2) or in Radz-at-Han. Guildship Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Endwalker (6.0). The One-nut, Two-nut and Three-nut marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week. Players are awarded with Sacks of Nuts, gil, and EXP by completing them. They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Shadowbringers areas. These Marks are divided into 4 types: One-nut, Two-nut, Three-nut, and Elite (B-rank). Players can receive Nutsy Clan Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in The Crystarium (x9.5,y9.4) or in Eulmore, The Understory. Nutsy Clan Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Shadowbringers (5.0). The One-star, Two-star, and Three-star marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week. Players can awarded with Centurio Seals, gil, and EXP by completing them. They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Stormblood areas. These Marks are divided into 4 types: One-star, Two-star, Three-star, and Elite (B-rank). Players can receive Veteran Clan Mark Bills from the Veteran Clan Hunt Boards in Kugane or Rhalgr's Reach.
Veteran Clan Hunt is the Mark Bills system of Stormblood ( patch 4.0). The level 1, 2, and 3 marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week. They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Heavensward areas. These Marks are divided into 4 types: level 1, 2, 3, and Elite (B-rank). Players can receive Clan Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in Foundation (x12,y11). A Rank and S Rank: None (Kill on sight) Or don't.Ĭlan Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Heavensward (3.0).B Rank Elite Mark Bills: Weekly on Tuesday at 4:00 AM (EST) or 1:00 AM (PDT).Regular Mark Bills: Daily at 11:00 AM (EST) or 8:00 AM (PDT).New marks are posted on the Hunt board at the following times: They are ranked according to the risk they pose: B Rank (lowest risk), A Rank, and S Rank (highest risk). While Regular Marks denote enemies commonly found in the wilds of Eorzea, Elite Marks denote powerful enemies that only appear under certain conditions. Regular and Elite Marks See also: Elite Marks Look in your inventory key items to see the Mark bills you have accepted. By killing the B mark, a player is awarded 5,000 gil and 100 Allied Seals. The targets listed on regular and elite marked bills will differ from player to player.Įlite Mark Bills task the players to kill a Rank B Elite Mark.These bills list the name and number of targets to be hunted, their location, and the reward being offered for their defeat. There are two types of mark bills: Regular Mark Bills, which are posted once per day, and Elite Mark Bills, which are posted once per week. Players will find a Hunt Board at each Grand Company headquarters, upon which Mark Bills have been posted listing bounties for various enemies. Cannot be started until Elite and Dangerous is completed. Unlocked with the following quests in the Old Sharlayan starting at level 80. Unlocked with the following quests in the Crystarium starting at level 70. Unlocked with the following quests in Kugane starting at level 61. To unlock all the clan hunt bills in Foundation you must complete the following quests. To retrieve mark bills from the Hunt board, players must first reach rank Second Lieutenant in their Grand Company and complete one of the following quests: 2.1 Where can I find Marks I have accepted?.